
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Winner of Giveaway + Skullies Are Back?

Hey Jammers!

So the winner of the Lava Glove giveaway is an AJB reader, blossom22004! She's also my buddy. She entered the giveaway, but she can't comment. No one else commented, so she won. :|

And from what Feelers heard, you can win the beta item, Skullies, in The Forgotten Desert. I'm not sure if this is true, and I don't know if I will know, because my membership expires in 6 days. :(

But I know a writer of Snowyclaw (my bud)'s blog, someone has posted that Skullies are back, but I'm not sure yet.

But my sister, Feelers, has also made a video using Screencast-O-Matic!

Yay for Feelers! *throws confetti*


Monday, July 7, 2014

Rare Samurai Helmet

Comment To Enter A Lava Glove Giveaway!

Hey Jammers!

So today's RIM is a Rare Samurai Helmet.

I finally figured out how to get rid of the white part: I just had to select 'Crop'. (Thanks for lettin' me see how, Feelers)


To enter the Lava Glove Giveaway, you can either be a member or non member to receive it.

You must comment your username and animal's name and your membership status so I can send the item to you or trade it to you. 

Ex (fake names shown): 
Username: Huggiesdipper5
Animal Name: Crashing Quietpaw
Membership Status: Non-Member

The Lava Glove is also white with orange, just to tell you it's colors. NOTE: Lava Gloves are not available in the Diamond Shop, so they are still rare. 


I better go, I have to get Feelers some Phantom Armor.