
Friday, August 26, 2011

Total Scammer!

On Animal Jam, I saw someone who was a total scammer! He said that whoever sends him a rare in mail then someone would get non member bat wings. I said "Don't do it! He is a scammer!" But only 1 person listened to me. And everyone else listen to the scammer. They sent him rares and he didn't give anyone his non member wings.                                  The scammer Major Coolbuddy.

                                                                     Just for these wings.
Everyone except me and someone else sent him a rare in mail and scammed and no wings for any of the members or non members.


  1. i hate scammers!

  2. i dont like scammers they the worst!

  3. Ugh!! Scammers just ruin all the fun! -snowdog900

    1. why send when you have a trade syste all set up for you?

    2. Ikr? I almost got scammed, because someone told me she had all of the spike collars. But she didn't show me any proof. :P

  4. BE A JAMMER NOTTA SCAMMER! Best saying ever! I agree scammers ruin the fun! they're the worst >:U (i was scammed 2 times :c )

    1. I haven't been scammed but I know fman122 was in my den before OMG I was scared.

    2. I hate fman122!!! he was in my den twice before...

  5. @Anonymous

    I was scammed once for my black glove for a pink glove. :'(

  6. I was scammed of my freedom wings for a top hat!!!!


  7. @JamaalidayJam

    Wow! What's your AJ username?

  8. @TheBeatles0042

    Yeah! Some say she's a scammer because we would see her wearing lots of rares but I can't choose saying if I think she scams or not.

  9. Awww I hate scammers!!!
    I would never scam it is so mean!
    I say be a Jammer not a scammer to.

  10. @Sparkykat38

    Me too! Someone scammed me once.

  11. Ima Jammer not a scammer! People scam for these things:
    1. Have fun
    2. Get more rare stuff
    and last my hatest
    3rd, they get stuff so they can get more RICHER they sell ur useless stuff cause they dont like it!

  12. @Ewemy

    Jammers shouldn't be scammers, scammers should give up, and be a good Jammer of Jamaa!

  13. DON'T SCAM JUST DANCE thats my catch frase for no scamming-asu98 firestar

  14. hi i got scam twice from my friend befor um.. oh MILEYFAN33 she scam me twice and she un-buds me when she scams me!

  15. Same And BTW (by the way) Nasser76 is also like Him but he did the Trading like example: me for instance, (well this is real so report him!) He will trade a necklace and 2 bat glasses for both my gloves and hair and wig (my most prized possesion before they were out) and so the other people got scammed and we didn't get our Worn...
    Please report him... :'(

  16. It's kinda turning into Animal SCAM! D: I also made a video about it.

  17. Well I did get scammed once, for my black glove. And I mostly got scammed by members. Which was weird. I'm not saying ALL members scam also. ~t0mb0yg1rl Btw, anyone can be a scammer. NM's MEMS ya never know o3o

  18. @DarkBunneh

    Okay. What's it called?


    That happened to me too!

  19. scammers i hate scammers my 2nd fav blog u know MARCH OF THE PHANTOMS quit because of scammers try look at MARCH OF THE PHANTOMS and u will see what i meanitys so bad i hate scammers i am furious(angry) because of them

  20. megkhaley was scamming a minute ago. i went on animal jam and saw her saying SEND ME RARES FOR TAIL ARMOR! and i said DON'T DO IT! IT'S A SCAM! but nobody listened. i had to impost her of that. search her if you wanna but really shes a scammer! i told people to not send there rares unless you don't want them but same thing happened. PEOPLE SHOULD LISTEN SOMETIMES AND STOP ACTING EMO! i mean i was being a LIFE SAVER.i know how it feels to be scammed. i am glad there are morderators for those problems. i reported her and exited to another room. so stay clear of megkaley!!

  21. I have been scammed for my headress and my Wizard hat.

  22. What's his username?
    I would Like to talk about him in my blog to if you don't mind.

  23. @NyanCat54

    I don't remember his username, and I don't know why I didn't add it in.

  24. Everyone, I know 2 REALLY dangerous scammers. They scammed my BFF and he lost his rocking horse, basket of candy, gecko banner and bow and arrows!
    They are called:
    They seem nice but they are trying to trick people!

  25. I got scammed 3 times before. It's so sad to see Animals scam. D:

  26. i was scammed my black glove for a blue won she would of tell everyone im a scammer if i didnt give her my black glove but im not a scasmmer T.T ~sparklepink21

  27. I've been scammed 2 times, and once hacked.
    The hack was by welco34, she suddenly became my friend when I went online and I asked "Who are you and how did you get in my buddy list " and she just said quickly "I hacked" and ran away. Reported her 8 times! (4 for fun, and 4 because I was so mad!) She replaced all my bows, gloves, fox hats with pink spiked hair and my 12 tall phantoms for all tiki torches! And... Skyrim24 is a scammer!


  28. Honestly, whats wrong w/ scammers? Dont they have anything better to do? I've been hacked thrice (i know not to get scammed) and its becoming a real problem. BE A JAMMER. NOT A SCAMMER! P.S. my user is Striker1003...add me if u see me around!

  29. Scammers i hate i have a account on animal jam i got scammed i gave all my member stuff for nothing he said he would give me a 1 year member ship and another 1 year member ship beacause my membership ran out and i still had my member stuff


    Keiko the whale he took cruel cages dolphins there nightmare is japan.

  30. Awwww... man.... I got scammed... of my purple fox plushie.
    I know it's not rare and all, but I was especially angered because I was planning to give that fox plushie to someone....

  31. i know 2

    1: whocutthecheese

    2: de3lined

  32. OMG who has a woozworld account msg me at forsamam on animal jam


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