
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Dancing to the den song "Jam On"( Only works with wolves)& (MEMBERS READ THIS POST)

If you are a member and you play the den song "Jam On" in your den, do these things while you play it:

  • At the beginning, make your wolf howl with play, and when it does "YAYYYY!", keep howling!
  • At the 2nd part, make your wolf dance
  • Before it's back at the beginning, make your wolf dance

Try this!

How to tell if there will be a new animal or pet

Obviously, you can tell if there's going to be a new animal or pet because before you log into Animal Jam, and it shows the ocean screen, you can tell with the shark, dolphin, seahorse, turtle, and octopus.

Because the octopus will be a new animal soon.
We better be checking the Jamaa Journal for new updates. Jam on!!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Best Dressed theme winners

Whenever I play Best Dressed, and there's a theme like "Dress the most like an astronaut", and people vote for who looks the best, and then it says "And now.... The winners!", and whoever is in 1st place, doesn't even have the right theme! But, if you want to win so many times, do these things:

  • Get a membership card for the lion and play the game
  • Be a wolf and wear nothing except white
  • Dress the best
  • Do the wrong theme
 Try these choices. I've done them, and I won a lot!

Monday, November 28, 2011

BlueEyedSoul66 (Eye66ytht)

I've been seeing Jammers commenting or on Animal Jam saying some things about Eye66ytht (now BlueEyedSoul66) like I saw a comment on Feelers' blog, and it was on a random post and some Jammer said "Yeah. You know eye died of cancer like 2 weeks ago. Right?". That's weird. Well I know she's not really dead. Except for the fact that she's my buddy, and the animal she was using was a wolf named Old Shivermoon, and then I checked again and she was using the same wolf! But for new stuff, click here to go to Eye66ytht's (BlueEyedSoul66) blog!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Girls & boy Jammers

I noticed that Jammers who are really girls, make animals that are males with boy names, boy eyes, etc, but I know that Octopus737 is a girl, and she has boy eyes, but she only uses the boy eyes because she doesn't want to use the girl eyes. So don't call her as a he. And Wando20 is a girl, who happens to only have a few girl animals and some boy animals with boy names and eyes. And BUBBLEDOUBLE is my BFF and a girl, who used to have all boy animals but changed all them into girls named Countess Spiritmoon, but I looked at her animals and now made 4 animals with boy names and eyes. I told her not to have boy animals, but now I don't really care if she does that. So if she made herself a boy,  wouldn't care. I'll only care if someone thinks she's really a boy and likes her. And Mayksufi (now WitchHatBunny), she has all female animals such as Blossom Berryflower and Eternal Jellypalace and Empress Snowymoon. For Halloween, she changed her main animal with a witch hat and evil eyes, but now she changed her bunny back to how it looked before. And me, I have a shark named Commander Cleverclaws, who is a girl, but just has evil eyes, sometimes Jammers have animals who are girls, but they think the boy eyes are just right for that animal. So females such as my friend Fergciega101, has a wolf named Duchess Superwolf, who is a girl, but uses boy eyes. So if your a girl who has animals such as rhinos, elephants, pandas, monkeys, tigers, dolphins, sharks, and koalas, are girls but just have boy eyes. Because I have my shark, dolphin, panda, koala, rhino, who are girls, but just have evil or boy eyes. It's also okay if your a girl with boy names, with boy eyes, if I know your a girl in real life, then I'll know on Animal Jam that you have boy eyes, boy names but aren't really boys. Because Eye66ytht (now BlueEyedSoul66) is a girl, but has one of her wolves Old Shivermoon, who has boy eyes. Because some names such as Commander, Daredevil, Baron, Baroness, General, Major, Captain, Grand, Medieval, etc, are also girl names. So if you're a girl, and would have a wolf for example named Captain Icywolf, and is a real female, would have boy eyes but is a girl. Because I made a koala named Daredevil or General or Baron or something who is really a girl, but just has boy eyes. If you agree with me, comment like this:

Comment like this. (The last part is for only if you have boy named animals with boy eyes but are girls)
That's how to comment! Jam on!! Happy Jamaalidays!

Zebras coming soon to Jamaa? *UPDATE*

 *My friend BUBBLEDOUBLE says that she gets National Geographic Kids magazines, and that when she looks at the Animal Jam ads that it tells her what will come soon to Jamaa. She told me that it said that a new zebra animal will be coming to Jamaa soon for club members. She'll find the AJ ads, and it show new stuff with a code and a zebra. Maybe that will be the next new animal in the next few Jamaa Journals. Check back on Animal Jam in the Jamaa Journal for new updates.

Hey, look at the new Jamaa Journal, as you can see the picture of the animal flipped upside down. Well, now let's take a look at it below: 

Here it is upside down
 And now...

AHA! So it is a zebra! My friend was right after all!
 Still check back for new updates in the Jamaa Journal for surprises....

Changing my username?

I don't know about this, but I'm thinking about changing my username. I might change it to:

  • Iloveorcasandwolves
  •  AnimalJamPrincess (?)
  • EmpressJamOn
  • AnimalJamisflippingawesome (?)
Yes, I might change it to one of those names, probably.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Glitch for Best Dressed?

I was playing Best Dressed, and I found this on the winners thing:

I was in 4th place, but at the top! And there are no names.
This is weird. Jam on!!

Pet Glitch?

Hey I was buying a pet and I don't know if this is a glitch, but before the bought the pet, I saw this:

No pet!
But then, I finally bought a cute pink cat with glasses.

Jam on!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Changed *Blogspot* URL

Hey I didn't want '' to be the URL anymore, so I changed it to So everytime you visit the blog, remember the URL!

Choose your Pet & I got a worn blanket!

Hey Jammers, I put some pictures of my pets below with all rares, so I want you to choose one. Look at them and choose:

My hamster

My 1st cat
My 2nd cat

My 1st dog

Comment your favorite pet like this:

Hey Jammers! Today I was in WitchHatBunny's den and I saw a friendly bunny who wanted to trade me their cream worn blanket for my Zio sun thing and a fountain from Coral Canyons. I'm so happy! I hope you see me with it on! Jam on!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Weird glitch for Best Dressed

Hey, I was playing Best Dressed, and I practiced dressing up, and then it didn't show the round's theme, until I saw this:

In case you can't read it, it says Dress up the Prettiest/Handsomest
It was weird. Jam on!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Me and Mayksufi's frogs are on the loose!

Hello, but this is weird! Me and Mayksufi's frogs Squaresquare and Toyrobot are on the loose! Here I found them in Coral Canyons in the water:

But anyways, so now I snuck up behind them in the water quietly and took a net, and caught them! I returned Toyrobot (left) to Mayksufi and kept Squaresquare (right) cause he's my frog obviously. Jam on!!

Another Wando20 Imposter and Feelers Imposter

Another Wando20 imposter? Hmmmm. Well, they have the same name as Wando20 except the a is an o!

Wondo20 the imposter
And now, Feelers  has an imposter.

Feeler the imposter
Just wanted to remind you that. Jam on!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

My buddy's poem is on the Art Gallery!

My buddy Precious Sillyfriend, has gotten her poem into the Art Gallery! Here it is:

Precious Sillyfriend's Poem
Congratulations Precious Sillyfriend!

Me and Mayksufi's pet frogs: Squaresquare and Toyrobot

I was buying a frog, and I got a rare when I pressed "Press for a Rare Feature!" and it got a crown. So then I was like "Wait a minute." Then I said to Feelers "Hey doesn't that look like Mayksufi's frog?" Because my frog is black, has pink eyes, and a purple stomach. And Mayksufi's frog looks like this:

Maykufi's frog Toyrobot

My frog Squaresquare

See the difference? They're both the same except that my is Squaresquare and her frog is Toyrobot. And mine has a purple tummy and hers has a blue tummy. Weird. Jam on!!

Best Dressed beginning: Practice dressing your best

I noticed that sometimes when I play Best Dressed and practice dressing my best, I notice that there are 2 types of the same back clothing of the same color!

There were 2 blue swords!

2 blue swords? What for? It's not like there's 2 players and they both want blue swords.

I don't know why they put 2 of the same swords. Oh well. Let's just Jam on!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Jammers, I was searching people on Animal Jam and I found this Jammer:


Then I tried logging in his account and I got this:

You can search him but can't get in his account.

I'm thinking he's a scammer. Because his name is "imascammer". What's your opinion?

Comment your opinion like this:

Comment like this. WITHOUT the question marks.
Comment your answer!

Sky Glitches and help

Jammers, have you had a glitch where you've been up in the sky wherever you go in Jamaa? Well, if you can't get down from they sky, then here is how:

For Jamaa Township:

Click the bottom of Mira's statue to get down
For Appondale:

Click that part of the tree to get down.
For Mt. Shiveer:

Click the fire pit to get down. Note: If it says "I don't know" then I don't really know how to get down.

For Coral Canyons:

Click the middle of the canyon to get down.
For Lost Temple of Zios:

Click the part where the frog is to get down. I don't really know how to get down if that's not how.
For Crystal Sands:

Click that water fountain thing to get down. I don't really know how to get down if that's not how.
For Sarepia Forest:

Click the bottom of the Flag Shop to get down.
 Do you really know how to get down from the ones that say I don't know? Comment!

4th Guide!

Jammers, we got a 4th guide! And she's

Spino11/Incredible Icywolf
 She wants to be an AJ Guide. And she already is! Congrats Spino11!

Jamaa Journal King Of The Jungle Update

Hey Jammers! When the new Jamaa Journal came, I noticed that on page 5 you should notice this:

Look where the blue is highlighted.
And really. Who would know? There might be other ways to get the lion. Well, just to be sure, you should check out the new Jamaa Journal every 2 weeks if there might be a surprise there....

Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Photo!

Hey Jammers check out this new photo of me:

My new photo!
Jam on!!

New Code!

Hey Jammers! We got a new code! The code is:


The code is worth 1,000 gems via promo gift. Jam on!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guide in Jamaa?

Hey I saw someone very familiar in Jamaa. And it almost looked like a guide. Take a look at the picture below. Does this bunny look familiar?

Does that bunny look familiar?
Now take a look at this picture:

Now what about this one?
Tell me what you think. Jam on!!

LolkingCentury1 Search

Hey remember the Jammer lolkingCentury1 from Wando20's blog? Well if you search him on your buddy list, then you will see this:

It says "That Jammer couldn't be found!"
So maybe he account doesn't exist no longer. Maybe he got lots of reports for his tiger's bad name. Jam on!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

New Blog Member!

        Thanks to Spino11/Incredible Icywolf for following this blog! Thanks Spino11!

New stuff! (Few days early)

Hey Jammers! The new stuff came 2 days early, so here's what it is:

Head Feathers and Headdresses! In the Jam Mart clothing. And change the Headdress colors and what do you see? The Beta Headdresses
Your den:

Mt. Shiveer music

And the fruit bowl!
And all the Halloween items are gone. But the sunken ship den is now 2500 gems! And Mayksufi got this when she was going to buy something:

You see this when buying things. From Sheesh4.

And for pets:

You can have 12 pets now!

That's all the new stuff in Jamaa. Jam on!!

Weird sayings....

Hey I logged in and someone was saying this:

Huge War in Sarepia Forest?

That's weird. Jam on!

3rd Guide!

Hey Jammers! Someone commented and wants to be an AJ guide! We got 3 Animal Jam guides now so here is the 3rd guide:

Greenfun or Coach Loopywolf!

Congratulations Greenfun!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Awesome Crystal Reef Glitch!

Hey Jammers! This may ONLY be for members ONLY because if you go to Crystal Reef, you might look like this:

Put your seal right there by the sign.

Then change to an animal and click the ladder QUICKLY!!

You should end up like this. Like Mayksufi's turtle did.

I will post my own pictures soon! Jam on!!