
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guide in Jamaa?

Hey I saw someone very familiar in Jamaa. And it almost looked like a guide. Take a look at the picture below. Does this bunny look familiar?

Does that bunny look familiar?
Now take a look at this picture:

Now what about this one?
Tell me what you think. Jam on!!


  1. I'm thinking that no one can see him except you and yes, he's GuideRabbit from Feelers's blog!

  2. @Greenfun

    Yes, he is GuideRabbit from Feelers' blog! Oh and search kungfubunny, and look at his animals and you'll see he copied GuideRabbit!

  3. @Octopus737

    Hey Octopus737! Yeah, I saw that same guide 2 times in a row!

  4. Guide Guiderabbit... Yes. :D I wonder if Guides appear randomly or come just to check on games and stuff.

  5. @Octopus737

    Yeah. I really don't know when they come.


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