
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Trading Party Claw Machine

The new Trading Party, the first time I went there, I saw a claw machine, so I played it, and it was full with tons of gift boxes:

Try getting one of these new items:

The first one is an item from Best Dressed called Horned Leg Pads, and the other 2 are Fancy Top Hats, but not from Best Dresssed.

I got a gift from the claw machine:

And here's what I got:

I got a Blue and Red Fancy Top Hat! Tell me, what did you get from this claw machine?


  1. Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. cool! i got a nonmember glove, scary horns, a freedom hat, a wreath necklace and those things too! i played 4 a long time.

  3. that party was so fun!

  4. Some of the things I got was freedom hats, those nm skull thingys, spike anklets, and some fancy top hats. By the way it was nice meeting you, BeautifulBlackWolf!

  5. @SnowthehuskeylovesBTR

    Cool!!!!!! It was nice meeting you too!

    @Empress Vinelilly

    Cool!!! Super fun party!

  6. You kno what is bad bout that party is that one time I spent 100 gems.on doing it and guess whet?! I DIDNT GET A SINGLE THING!!!!

  7. @SnowthehuskeylovesBTR

    That sucks! I know what you can do about that: Go to the Trading Party when it's opened, go to a claw machine, play it about 5 times, and then if you don't a single prize, exit out of the claw machine, then go to the one upstairs, play it about 5 times, and then if you don't win again, walk away from it for a while, and wait, then go back to the claw, play it a couple of times, the you should be able to win.

  8. i got a red glove, cream glove, and a gray glove. not a silver glove from epic wonders, a gray glove. i also got a freedom hat

  9. I got lots of nm colored gloves from the claw machine! I was really lucky that time. i won the skin-ish looking glove, black glove, red glove, purple glove, and a Blue nm glove :D ~FLUFFYDREAMER1

  10. WOW! I have a rare Headdress, 2 rare Bow and Arrows, a rare Headfeather, and alot of other Rares

    1. Are you serious?! Plz tell me the truth if u actually did because i really want to know!!!

  11. I got everything on the claw but a glove...

    - RatedMamba

  12. Cool man! I got horned leg pads and a red+blue top hat


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