
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nothing on Animal Jam = N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!

I have checked Animal Jam, and there's obviously nothing to get. But stay here, Animal Jam has the new update tomorrow!

AJP Pet Sidebar 2

Another AJP Pet from CS, Arctic Pawzz, has been traded to Trichter20. She is removed from both my CS account and AJP.


Monday, March 26, 2012

Chicken Smoothie Notes: Ella556; Empress Vinelily and SnowthehuskeylovesBTR; Blossom Cleverpuppy

Ella556 and SnowthehuskeylovesBTR, if you're reading this, it means I have to talk to you.

I want to trade with you, I wanted to trade a mouse, but do you guys have any mice I can trade you with?

A 'Song Of The Day!' Update

If you go to the 'Song Of The Day! *Update*' page, you might notice something. If I forget to change the song 2 days in a row, then there will be 2 songs that day.

~Short Post~

Some Blog Things

Some stuff I post like "The Animal Jam Math Equation" or "Walking the Animal Jam Parks Red Carpet" or "Stamps", sometimes you might want to do it, because guess what? It counts as a grade. A GOOD grade. I got these finished, except the Red Carpet because I don't do it. So it ends to do it in 7 days, and when 7 days is up, you can't do it, because it will be changed. So if I check it 7 days later, no comments, I will reveal the answers/stamp pictures so you can actually consider doing it. So, if you want a good grade, it changes to an A+, or an E+, which means 'Excellent!'.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Stamps *New*

I'm working on something for Stamps, and it's something daily. You will earn a stamp every time you do something what the stamp says to do. Everyday has 4 stamps you will try to earn. So once you've done that stamp what it says you have to do, you earn it! Your name will be featured on the new Stamps post created and it will say who earned it beside the stamp.

1st Stamp- Win 1st Place 10 times in a row in Best Dressed (Coral Canyons)

2nd Stamp- Score 25560 in Long Shot (Coral Canyons)

3rd Stamp- Spend 600 Gems in a Pet Makeover (Underwater or On Land)

4th Stamp- Walk around Jamaa twice without using the map

Stamps and Jammers will be featured in the next Stamps post. Comment once you have these finished.

Chicken Smoothie Notes: Ella556; Empress Vinelily

Empress Vinelily, if you are reading this post, it means I have to tell you something about our CS Trades.

Okay, so about the trades I send you that you don't like, with your lions or something, and the messages that say "Sorry I don't want that" or "Sorry I won't trade my lion for something of yours", and I was wondering how you include messages on trades, because I can't get to you to talk to you on CS for a trade. And if you won't trade me a lion, then why are they on your "For Trade" group?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Chicken Smoothie AJP Pet Sidebar

A grown up Chicken Smoothie pet, Teresa, isn't a part of AJP anymore.

She was traded. Her new owner is SnowthehuskylovesBTR, because SnowthehuskylovesBTR is so nice and kind, that she gave me 2 awesome pets for Teresa.

But don't worry! Another one that looks like Teresa is on my Chicken Smoothie account too! Check the sidebar -------------------------------------------->

One More Thing

Okay, the other post about "The Hunger Games" and Spring Break, I had forgotten to tell you another thing about my Spring Break.

Thursday March 29th-Saturday March 31st, I will be gone, I'll be able to use a computer, because I'll be with my friend and we'll get to use computers, and I won't be able to access Animal Jam at that time, but I will be able to access Animal Jam Parks. And if you check Animal Jam Parks at that time, you might see this note on the first post you see:

BeautifulBlackWolf  isn't online at AJ or AJP at this time. Please refresh the page or check back later. If you're a player of Transformice and Animal Jam or either, please check and sign-up (Only Sign up if you don't have an account), and go to room "oreoispro" [ oreoispro Code: /room oreoispro ].
Please check Transformice. BeautifulBlackWolf will be online when the new post shows up on your PC  (Personal Computer).

Okay, so just read it, remember what to do, and try doing that.


Okay, so once I was playing Animal Jam, and I got this trade:

I didn't get to see what they were, have you seen them? Because I never heard of that in Jamaa. Hmm...

A Few Things

Okay, first why the topic is called "A Few Things" is because it's something I have to tell you, not some stuff on Animal Jam.

Okay, so, from March 23rd- March 31st, it's the time I have Spring Break, so I get to be with you guys all the time! That is except for early in the morning. So, another thing I was going to tell you was that on Friday, March 23rd, I saw the movie everyone wants to see, I went with my school, we saw "The Hunger Games"! If you haven't see it yet, you HAVE TO SEE IT!! It was the BEST MOVIE EVER!! HUNGER GAMES, HUNGER GAMES!!!

We saw The 74th Annual Hunger Games!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Animal Jam Math Equation!

Okay, I though about making something new for the blog, and it's called, "The Animal Jam Math Equation!". It's not a game, but it will be something new daily, or otherwise if you still need to figure it out, it will be for a couple of days, so if you still need to figure it out, comment to this post and say something like, "I'm still figuring it out, so can you leave it here for a while?", and I will say, "Sure!"! So these are the directions to help you:

Example: Panda + Wolf = ????

The point is that you have to figure out what it would be called when you mix it, and some may be a little bit different.

Panda + Wolf = Polf

Mix the equation, you should get the answer! If it was different like this, 

Wolf + Panda = Wanda

You would have to mix it backwards how the original equation was.



Monkey + Dolphin = ????
Dolphin + Monkey = ????

Answers will be revealed when all Jammers have answered the questions.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Mysterious Den

I had gone to my den to fix up some stuff, and I was moving some plushies around, and all of a sudden, I saw something giant and white in the air with a white background and black lines around it! It looked like this:

Wait, but then I saw something appear inside the spark! Like this:

I was so freaked out! But this is good, because I'm making a new page called "Things Not Seen"or either "Jamaa Discoveries".

Another AJ HQ Note

I was playing Best Dressed, and I got this note when I was about to vote:

I've visited Tierney's Aquarium FOREVER.

What Inspires You Today?

Okay, that question is a daily question. Comment your answer!

What Inspires You Today?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

JAC is Back!

So, remember the post I made about JAC being under an update? Well, that was from the 17th, and it said it would be back in 3 days, and it's been 3 days. So check JAC to see what you have for your grades! By the way to some of you, good job!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Chicken Smoothie Blog!

Like Sparkykat38's Chicken Smoothie blog, I made one too! Her's is Chicken Smoothie Club, mine is Chicken Smoothie Paws! <---------- Click that link on the side to visit it!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Note About JAC

 ABOkay, this was me, but now for about 3 days, check Jammer Access Center (JAC), and you should see a note that says:

AJP JAC is under an update. JAC will be back in 3 Days. Check back at JAC later.

If you see this note, sorry! JAC is under an update. And one thing, if you see the words -------------> DO NOT COPY <-------- them to another typing source you can access.

So don't copy anything from Animal Jam Parks without permission, especially these words:

Need to check your grades? Well, come into Jammer Access Center and look for them! If someone comments as Anonymous without their username, their grades will be in the same place.

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: [Usernames not found]
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: B
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: B
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: B
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: D
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Princess Icywolf and Junior Spiritstar
Visiting Animal Jam everyday: [I don't know their users]
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: B
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+


Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

(By the way, if you comment as your animal's name, you may also tell me the user on any of your comments in case I forget your user.)

And I repeat, DO NOT COPY those words. You may also check your grades here.

Friday, March 16, 2012

AJ HQ Note

AJ HQ sent out this note to all Jammers:

I got the note when I was visiting Tierney's Aquarium. I went to Sunken Treasures, saw this in front of the store:

I'm saying, "WHOA!", in case you didn't know which one was me, Wretched Shyjoy. Then as I was about to walk in as the front was getting a little cleared, I got this:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

My Chicken Smoothie Trading Center

Not Animal Jam, for my Chicken Smoothie account, I made a Trading group called 'Trading Pet Center', so if you would like to trade pets and/or items, trade me! My user is BeautifulBlackWolf on CS.

Red Carpet Featurers

Okay, Jammers. This is the time to put your name in for the Red Carpet. But now the featurers are:

Not a single commenter put their name in.

That's what it is.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

How 3 Unexpected Chicken Smoothie Pets Were Found

I found out why 3 unexpected Chicken Smoothie pets got here:

The mother has a problem.
She has this problem with her stomach, which causes her to have more.
So far, she just had another 3.
Just a few hours ago, she had another 4.
If she continues to have more, it's bad.
I took her to the Jamaa Medical Center , it seems she has 19 more with her.
The due date for 17 of those ones is March 15th.
And I can't keep all those here.
I'm only letting her have 2.
The due date for those 2 were 3 hours ago.
And they made it here fine, and perfect.
The 4 she had a while ago, 2 made it, the other 2 didn't.
The 2 that didn't make it were both females, one named Dancing, the other named Prancing. They were twins.
Animal Jam Parks would like to Welcome Pixie and Gizelle.

Pet's name: Gizelle
Adopt virtual pets at Chicken Smoothie!------------------------------------>

If the due date happens a little early, then I will make it 5 pets.

Another AJP Blog

I have another Animal Jam Parks blog with no visitors, Animal Jam Parks Movie Theater! Click here to visit it.  

~Short Post~

A Few Announcements

Hey, Jammers! I have a few announcements to make:

Animal Jam Parks Announcments

A Talent Show is coming up! Comment to the new post "Talent Show!" to sign up! The Talent Show will be in my den, on March 22nd, all day except for hours 6:00 AM-4:30 PM. Comment to me anytime and meet me in the Art Studio in Coral Canyons. We will schedule the day, and the time, write it down and meet me that time!

The Animal Jam Parks Red Carpet! Comment to the post "Walking The Animal Jam Parks Red Carpet",  and comment your username, animal's name, and your email if you would like to post and/or be featured on Animal Jam Parks.

Party Of Happy-Go-Lucky! I am having a Party Of Happy-Go-Lucky Party that will be hosted by 3 Jammers, Me, SnowthehuskeylovesBTR, and AJland. The party is on March 15th, but for backup, March 20th. It will start at 4:30 PM, or maybe 5:00 PM that day. It all starts in my den, and we will be hosting the party for only 1 Hour, and we will be going to Crystal Sands, Bahari Bay, Crystal Reef, Deep Blue, and Kani Cove to explore the oceans of Jamaa. The server will be Tigris, or backup, Draa.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Walking The Animal Jam Parks Red Carpet *Update*

Want to post and/or be featured on Animal Jam Parks? If so, please comment your username, animal's name, email (except for Cesalia), and if you would like to post /and or be featured on Animal Jam Parks. Note: Drawings will be pulled from a secret bucket only seen by me. If I call your name, it will be featured in a post and you will be featured on the blog.

So, when your name gets drawn, you won't find it anywhere but will get to walk this Red Carpet!

Yeah, I know. It's a Club Penguin Red Carpet. But wait, you won't see this exact looking Red Carpet in Jamaa, it will be seen in my den only! The Red Carpet isn't an exact Red Carpet, it will be a Snowflake Rug, sadly that isn't red. 5 Jammers will be drawn on March 12.

Jammers, March 12 is almost here, so hurry up and comment if you want to be featured! The deadline to get your name in will end on March 12 at 5:00 PM.