
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Note About JAC

 ABOkay, this was me, but now for about 3 days, check Jammer Access Center (JAC), and you should see a note that says:

AJP JAC is under an update. JAC will be back in 3 Days. Check back at JAC later.

If you see this note, sorry! JAC is under an update. And one thing, if you see the words -------------> DO NOT COPY <-------- them to another typing source you can access.

So don't copy anything from Animal Jam Parks without permission, especially these words:

Need to check your grades? Well, come into Jammer Access Center and look for them! If someone comments as Anonymous without their username, their grades will be in the same place.

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: [Usernames not found]
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: B
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: B
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: B
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: D
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Princess Icywolf and Junior Spiritstar
Visiting Animal Jam everyday: [I don't know their users]
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: B
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A
Commenting: A
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+


Visiting Animal Jam everyday: A+
Commenting: A+
Commenting without bad words: A+
Respectfulness on Animal Jam and the blog: A+

(By the way, if you comment as your animal's name, you may also tell me the user on any of your comments in case I forget your user.)

And I repeat, DO NOT COPY those words. You may also check your grades here.

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