
Friday, April 6, 2012

Free Egg Hunt!

In honor of Easter, I had decided to make a free egg hunt! You need to find 5 Rainbow Easter eggs, and you comment once you found them all, once everyone got them, the prizes are featured! All 5 Easter eggs are separated in one picture. Some might even be hidden in giant flowers getting ready to bloom!

1st Rainbow Egg:

 If you can't see the picture, click it to enlarge it! Can you find the first Rainbow Egg?

Here's a hint, the first Rainbow Egg top is red, only because it's hidden in something. 

 2nd Rainbow Egg:


Where is the 2nd Rainbow Egg? Where it says 'Possibly?', it could be the Rainbow Egg.

3rd Rainbow Egg:

Okay, this Rainbow Egg can be anywhere. The flower, sunlight, or the dirt hole. It may be upside-down showing purple, or right-side-up showing red.

4th Rainbow Egg:

Now let's take a look down by the river. Hmmm, maybe on that plane banner? In the bucket? In the underwater viewing? This is a little tough, only that I know which one it is.

5th Rainbow Egg:

 Now in this last picture, there are different colored things everywhere! Check the egg opening, that hill, that giant egg, and the 3 cracked eggs on top of the egg opening.

And remember, look at everything colored like a rainbow closely to see.



  1. 1. In The Tree Hole?
    2. On The Tree Branch?
    3. It's really in the dirthole, Next to the Purple Egg
    4. In the Banner!!
    5. At the Edges of the The Egg opening?

  2. 1. Next to the tree
    2. behind the yellow thing
    3. The upside down purple one
    4. Underwater viewing
    5. Top right

  3. @Ewemy

    Okay, in the post revealing the answers soon, it will show the answers to it, so you'll get to see if you're right or wrong!


    Okay, just like what I said to Ewemy, check the post coming soon revealing the answers!

  4. Hey BeatifulBlackwolf, I need to learn how to Make Blog Authors, and can you please teach me how? I am not gonna go to my Blog in 12 and 13 of April and I really need help, ~Thracey11 :D

  5. 1. Behind the grass on he right of the basket.
    2. On the grass.
    3. The red top egg in the dirthole
    4. The flag on the airplane
    5. The egg laying down


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