
Monday, July 30, 2012

Few Blog Changes + Rare Item Monday

Hey Jammers! Today's RIM is finally underwater now, which is a Rare Pirate Bandana! It comes in the color of purple.

AJP is going to have a few changes. First, when something is new, I won't have pictures- I will just say what it is, I cannot take pictures now. Same with the Jammer Of The Week, no pictures, just the Jammer's name.
Speaking of Jammer Of The Week, this week's Jammer is Papad91278! Congratulations! The new update with pet turtles is also coming this week!

AJP may also have a new name, but the same URL to it. The poll will be on the side, so whichever new blog name has the most votes will be the new name!

Plus, tomorrow, I will be gone for most of the day. Starting at 12:00 PM (Noon), I have to go to the Dentist, then I have to go somewhere else for a while later in the day.

Jam on!

1 comment:

  1. dear beautifulblackwolf, hey i know a change only me and my friend know! you might as well write about it. please, enter my user for some credit though. there trying to change the wolf when you first get it. thats right. it did it to me. instead of mine being white and blue, it was dark brown and light brown! is AJ glitched or am i right? -hoppytop


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