Saturday, February 4, 2012

Song Of The Day!

I forgot to post about this, I was making something called "Song Of The Day", so I remembered to do this now, so here's the song of the day:

It's the song Dynamite by Ponypals4ever on Youtube. Also, this will also be a page, so your entertainment will be known as Song Of The Day, so remember that when you visit the blog, listen to the song on the page.


  1. Put Rolling in the Deep next time? Thanks.

  2. @Cesalia

    Okay! That will be tomorrow's song.

    1. Are you gonna make it? You making it? Or you just don't have time?

    2. @Cesalia

      Yeah. I didn't have time, but I have it up there on the page now. Check it!

  3. I like it...
    And Party Rock Anthem.


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