Sunday, March 25, 2012

Stamps *New*

I'm working on something for Stamps, and it's something daily. You will earn a stamp every time you do something what the stamp says to do. Everyday has 4 stamps you will try to earn. So once you've done that stamp what it says you have to do, you earn it! Your name will be featured on the new Stamps post created and it will say who earned it beside the stamp.

1st Stamp- Win 1st Place 10 times in a row in Best Dressed (Coral Canyons)

2nd Stamp- Score 25560 in Long Shot (Coral Canyons)

3rd Stamp- Spend 600 Gems in a Pet Makeover (Underwater or On Land)

4th Stamp- Walk around Jamaa twice without using the map

Stamps and Jammers will be featured in the next Stamps post. Comment once you have these finished.

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